Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Books Available at Barnes & Noble

Perpetual  (The Series)

Perpetual Darkness is told from the man's perspective; this is his side of the story. Max Hubbard is a drifter and like most transients he prefers living a life of anonymity. That is until he lays eyes on Abigail.
Perpetual Spring is told from the woman's point of view; this is her side of the story. After being forced into early retirement Abigail leaves Missouri and settles in the quiet countryside of La Grange. It's in this sleepy landscape she finds herself strangely attracted to the man who is watching her.
Is this another Romeo and Juliet? No, but a tragic romance nonetheless.
Short Stories & Such B&N
Short Stories & Such is an anthology of the best selling short stories & flash fiction including Door Number Four and Once Upon a Dead Gull.

Disturbed Affections B&N
Disturbed Affections consists of three short stories and two deranged love affairs.

Smoke Free

Irwin Smutter is an outcast, a socially unacceptable, nasty cigarette smoker. Irwin seeks out a cessation expert, a dispassionate hypnotist who cures him while revealing cigarettes are the least of his problems.


Door Number Four

 Donald S. Crowley was a CPA by day; a bean counter; a number cruncher and a certified bore. By night he was as stimulating as the hero in his latest read with all the social skills of a brick. To make matters worse, he was in love with a door. Not just any door, number four was special. Her alluring smile had caught Donald's eye when he was just a boy and she called him by name. Despite years of therapy and medications she still called to him. Now he would risk his life to see her again and to finally know what lay behind Door Number IIII

Hard Candy ChristMas

Expounding on the original short story, Hard Candy with Strudel and Tea. After a holiday wrought with tragedy, Kathy finds herself desperate, crippled and depressed with only her old companion, Strudel, to see her through.

Everyone dies. It's the morbid curiosity of when and how that makes horror so enticing.
Once Upon a Dead Gull is a combined work of short stories and flash fiction.
Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with seagulls and more to do with what is real and what isn't.
Torn from the pages of Short Stories & Such.
Roses From Ishmael is a short thriller by Janna Hill.
The story of a man in love, a grief stricken man; an anguished and tormented soul but tormented by what? Ishmael finds himself feeling alone in a place he once called home.





For a complete list please visit

 Janna Hill at Barnes & Noble